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eazy Aquaclean

Standard water based detergent

eazy Aquaclean is a water based multipurpose detergent containing an effective blend of active agents

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eazy Aquaclean is a water based multipurpose cleaner containing an effective blend of active agents suitable for a broad range of cleaning applications. It is non-flammable and may be used in ultrasonic cleaning applications.

Product contains no petroleum solvents and is therefore safe to use on all alloys and metals including aluminum. It is completely soluble in water and has a pleasant odour.

In accordance with MARPOL Annex II Regulation 13.5.2 and MEPC.1/Circ.590, Tank Cleaning Additives Guidance Note and Reporting Form, eazy Aquaclean is approved as a cargo tank cleaning additive.


  • Does not contain nonyl phenol ethoxylates
  • Low order of toxicity
  • IMO approved
  • Non flammable
  • Water based
  • May be used as a traffic film remover


General Cleaning
Product should be applied as a 10 to 20% solution in water to soiled surfaces by brushing or spraying, allowing at least 15 to 30 minutes for it to penetrate the soiled parts. The cleaning effect is maximized when used with hot water. After cleaning items should be rinsed well with clean water.

Ultrasonic Cleaning
Product can also be used in a 25% solution of fresh water for use in all ultrasonic cleaning tanks. The cleaning time will vary and will depend on the degree of soiled deposition. Heating the solution to 50 to 60°C will enhance the cleaning effect.

Tank Cleaning
After discharge of cargo, and depending on severity of deposition, a 2 to 10% solution with water should be applied onto dry surfaces by low pressure spray. Allow product to penetrate for about ten minutes (but do not allow to dry) before rinsing off with water using highest pressure available. If a light powder dusting is still evident after drying we recommend a light rinse be applied using ½% solution with water.

Cargo tank washing after cargo discharge using a mechanical recirculation process will require a solution to be injected at a rate of 5 to 10 litres per tonne of water depending on severity of residue to be removed.

A 1-2% solution with water can also be used for cleaning with high-pressure washing equipment.

Either fresh or seawater may be used in above cleaning methods. Some spot scrubbing may still be required for stubborn stains.

Health and Safety
Please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet and Product Label for specific information.

Limitation of Liability
Eazychem’s standard terms and conditions of sale, available on request, apply and contain limitations on any liability that may be incurred by Eazychem arising in any way from the sale and use of products supplied by Eazychem.

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