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eazy AquaLAC

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NaOH based alkaline vegoil cleaner

eazy AquaLAC is a sodium hydroxide based alkaline tank cleaner typically used for cleaning up after vegoil cargoes.

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eazy AquaLAC is a heavy duty alkaline tank cleaner and degreaser based on sodium hydroxide salts and surfactants that is suitable
for cleaning cargo tanks after discharge of drying, semi-drying and non-drying natural oils and fats and cargo holds after unloading
carbonaceous residues such as petcoke.

In accordance with MARPOL Annex II Regulation 13.5.2 and MEPC.1/Circ.590, Tank Cleaning Additives Guidance Note and Reporting Form,
eazy Tankwash is approved as a cargo tank cleaning additive. This regulation applies regardless of whether a product is discharged to
shore or sea. For discharge to shore, Master is required to complete the cargo record book and identify any cleaning additives.

Product also approved as meeting resistance requirements for several makes of marine coatings. Contact us for up to date compatibility.


Suitable for removing deposits including but not limited to: animal oils, fish oils, vegetable oils, waxes, greases, sludge, carbon deposits, inert gas soot (IGS) deposits as well as deodorising tanks prior to loading foodstuffs in order to achieve a sufficient standard of cleanliness.

Product must not be used with non-ferrous metals such as Zinc, Aluminium, Tin etc.


When “boiling out”/commissioning of newly re-tubed boilers, pre-acid cleaning or if a boiler is contaminated with oil a 5-10% solution should be circulated for a maximum of 24hrs at a temperature of 70-80°C. After draining, rinsed well with plenty of clean fresh water.

Product may also be used for petcoke cleaning by spraying neat product onto the surface and soaking for 15-20 minutes before rinsing with clean fresh water or for boiler furnace cleaning a 10-50% solution (depending on severity) in fresh water at a temperature of at least 40°C.

Cargo Tanks and Holds:
After cargo has been discharged, pre-wash with adequate clean fresh / seawater heated to 50-60°C.

For drying, semi drying and in order to prevent the evaporation and polymerisation of lighter oils, use cold water.

General Procedures:
The recommended method is direct injection followed by recirculation using tank or hold cleaning machines.

Other methods such as hand spraying are also feasible although not as efficient.

Product is used in a solution of clean fresh or seawater which is heated in accordance to the cargo supplier’s guidelines.

Typically for palm oil this is at 55-65°C, and in the case of cargo containing stearic acid, 72-77°C.

Certain types of oils require lower cleaning temperatures due to polymerisation issues. Consult with the cargo supplier for guidance. Unsuccessful cleans are usually the result of using higher than recommended temperatures which may “bake on” residues rather than remove them.

Typical Application & Dosage Rates using Fresh Water (Sea Water use 1.5x)

  • Recirculation: 2-5%
  • Direct Injection: 3-5%
  • Handspray: 50% (drying/semi-drying oils, veg oils & 100% (fish oils, fatty acids/alcohols)
  • Rock and Roll: 20:1000 (refer to cargo specialist of procedure)
  • Refrigerated Cargo: 5-10%

If “white lime” deposits are noticed after cleaning, due to using sea water or left-over cargo residues, inject a 1-2% solution of eazy RSR for 30 minutes before rinsing the tanks with plenty of clean fresh water.

Health and Safety
Please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet and Product Label for specific information.

Limitation of Liability
Eazychem’s standard terms and conditions of sale, available on request, apply and contain limitations on any liability that may be incurred by Eazychem arising in any way from the sale and use of products supplied by Eazychem.

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