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eazy BioTreat

Organic waste treatment

eazy BioTreat is a concentrated organic waste treatment designed to maintain the efficiency of marine sanitation systems.

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eazy BioTreat is an economical to use organic waste treatment specifically designed to maintain the efficiency of marine sanitation systems. The biologically active liquid promotes the degradation of fats, greases and other organic materials as well as the odours they produce.

When it is dosed directly to the sewage treatment plant (or via the nearest toilet) the biological activity will be enhanced keeping the plant at peak operating efficiency.


Some of the benefits include:

  • Gives a renewable source of highly effective enzymes
  • Removes the need for hazardous chemicals
  • Effective in hard and soft waters
  • Can be used on a variety of applications
  • Cost effective
  • Significantly reduces effluent B.O.D. and C.O.D.


Tank Treatment
Dosage levels are determined by the number of people onboard the vessel and the condition of the sewage plant. If the system requires to be reactivated, dose 1 litre of product directly to the tank or via the nearest toilet.

For a vessel with up to 50 people onboard, a maintenance dosage of 100mls per week of product should be used.

For a passenger vessel, repeat above for each tank in use.

Line Cleaning
Organic matter can be gradually removed from waste lines by dosing a solution of 100mls of product mixed with warm water on a nightly basis until the line runs free. If it is possible to isolate a section of line then fill the line with above solution and leave for at least 24 hours.

Tank Cleaning
Product can also be used to periodically clean holding tanks. In order to provide a low volume circulation holding tanks must be fitted with and air manifold to gently agitate the water. The tank should be filled to 75% capacity with fresh or salt water and the air supply turned on.

When ready, add 2 litres of product to 2 litres of warm water and dose directly into the tank or via the nearest toilet. An additional solution of 1 litre of product mixed with 1 litre of warm water per 1000 litres of capacity should be added. The tank should be filled and left for 48 hours with the air circulating.

CAUTION: Avoid the use of concentrated disinfectants, acid descalers and bleaches, which will affect the bio-film and eliminate the naturally occurring enzymes.

Health and Safety
Please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet and Product Label for specific information.

Limitation of Liability
Eazychem’s standard terms and conditions of sale, available on request, apply and contain limitations on any liability that may be incurred by Eazychem arising in any way from the sale and use of products supplied by Eazychem.

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