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eazy Cement Remover-C

SKU: 2055 Categories: ,

Cement deposit remover

eazy Cement Remover-C is a concentrated acid for the effective removal of cement and lime residues as well as lime bound soiling from steel superstructures and all acid resistant surfaces.

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eazy Cement Remover-C is a highly active concentrated liquid based acid designed to effectively remove cement and lime residues as well as lime bound soiling from steel superstructures and all acid resistant surfaces.

The product contains an inhibitor to limit acid attack on metal surfaces.


Product can be used for removing cement and lime residues.


For moderate cleaning tasks a solution of 20% of product should be made up by adding product to fresh water (not the reverse) in a plastic container and then applied by brush or spray taking into consideration all the necessary health and safety precautions.

Once satisfactory results are achieved, rinse well with plenty of fresh water.

Repeat if necessary.

Health and Safety
Please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet and Product Label for specific information.

Limitation of Liability
Eazychem’s standard terms and conditions of sale, available on request, apply and contain limitations on any liability that may be incurred by Eazychem arising in any way from the sale and use of products supplied by Eazychem.

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