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eazy Degreaser

Solvent based oil & grease remover

eazy Degreaser is a blend of emulsifying solvents and surfactants ideal for use as a heavy duty solvent cleaner.

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eazy Degreaser is a blend of emulsifying solvents and surfactants that can be used as an effective cleaner for soiled surfaces, bilges, bulkheads, painted surfaces and machinery parts.

Product has been tested by Marinfloc and approval status is granted as “Can Be Separated”. Contact or contact Marinfloc directly for specific details.


Product is applied neat by hand, brush or spray. The cleaning time should be 30 to 90 minutes before washing off with hot or cold fresh water or seawater.

Product is also suitable for use in steam cleaning equipment.


Circulation Method
This method can be used to clean lube oil heat exchangers, oil pre-heaters and filters.

Spot Cleaning
Product should be sprayed neat onto dirty surfaces. Bulkheads can be washed down using high pressure cleaning machines preferably using hot water at 60°C.

Soak Method
Dirty parts can be cleaned in a bath of neat product for at least 30 minutes and then rinsed with plenty of fresh water.

Spray Method
Product should be sprayed neat onto dirty surfaces. The cleaning time should be 15 to 30 minutes and then rinsed with plenty of fresh water after scrubbing if necessary.

Health and Safety
Please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet and Product Label for specific information.

Limitation of Liability
Eazychem’s standard terms and conditions of sale, available on request, apply and contain limitations on any liability that may be incurred by Eazychem arising in any way from the sale and use of products supplied by Eazychem.

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