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eazy Disclean

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Disc cleaner acid

eazy Disclean is designed to remove carbonaceous and varnish deposits from lube and fuel oil separator discs.

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eazy Disclean is designed to remove carbonaceous and varnish deposits from lube and fuel oil separator discs.

It is completely soluble in water, easy to mix, safe to use and does not attack stainless steel or damage the separator discs.


Product should be used to clean separator discs from both lube and fuel oil separators.


Once removed from the separators, the disc stack should be immersed in dilute solution of eazy Disclean.

The dilution rate will depend upon the severity of the deposition. A 20% by solution with fresh water can be typically used. The cleaning solution can also be heated to 50 to 60°C for maximum cleaning effect.

The cleaning period will vary depending on the degree of deposition but should be in the region of 1 to 4 hours.

After cleaning, parts should be rinsed thoroughly with fresh water to remove all traces of deposition and product.

CAUTION: Only ferrous parts should be placed in the cleaning solution. Do not use eazy Disclean with bronze, brass or other non-ferrous metals.

Health and Safety
Please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet and Product Label for specific information.

Limitation of Liability
Eazychem’s standard terms and conditions of sale, available on request, apply and contain limitations on any liability that may be incurred by Eazychem arising in any way from the sale and use of products supplied by Eazychem.

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