eazy MicroTreat
eazy MicroTreat is a biocide fuel treatment used to eliminate and control bacteria and fungi ‘bugs’ in stored distillate fuel.
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Product is effective in water, oil and at the interface between oil and water. The micro organisms are killed by exposure to the biocide and product can be used as a preventative measure or to give an immediate effective cure for contaminated systems. Product prevents corrosion and blockages.
Sterilisation of Lube Oil Systems
After severe contamination, all areas should be cleaned manually to remove sludge and silt. On large engines cleaning with undiluted eazy Degreaser of the casing frame followed by opening and thoroughly cleaning the sumps is strongly recommended. This should be followed by flushing the entire lubricating oil system with flushing oil containing this product.
Sterilisation of Fuel Storage Tanks
If bacteria are suspected, water drawn from the fuel storage tank bottoms should be tested and the bacteria count established. If this is above 105 / ml, there is a good chance that colonisation has taken place throughout the fuel. In which case this product should be dosed directly to the fuel tank prior to bunkering ideally in tanks less than 25% of storage capacity to allow thorough dispersion.
In untreated tanks, a ‘kill dose’ of 1 litre per 2,000 litres of contaminated fuel will be required.
As part of an ongoing maintenance programme, use eazy AutoTreat to disperse any water present in the tanks thus minimizing the potential for further contamination.
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