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eazy Mudsolv-C

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Prevent mud deposits in ballast tanks

eazy Mudsolv-C is a water treatment to condition, remove and prevent the build up of silt and mud deposits in ballast tanks.

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eazy Mudsolv-C is a concentrated and completely safe ballast water treatment specially formulated to condition, remove and prevent the build up of silt and mud deposits.


Product can be effectively used in ballast tanks, cooling water systems and pipe lines and is also an efficient antiscalant. Benefits of using product can include reducing the environmental risk of transporting invasive marine species locked into mud deposits, maintaining optimum cargo carrying capacity and stability, reducing the potential for corrosion and for survey or inspection purposes avoiding the costly exercise of ‘mucking out’ and disposal.


In order to obtain optimum results product should be dosed into the filling line of the ballast or cooling system at predetermined rates prior to the systems being filled in order to ensure product is thoroughly dispersed. The loose deposits of silt and mud are easily discharged during deballasting.

The normal dosage rate for maintenance purpose is 1 litre per 20 tonnes of ballast water and the treatment should be repeated each time the ballast tank or cooling system is filled.

In the case of existing accumulations, a dosage rate of 1 litre per 10 tonnes of ballast water is recommended and should remain in the tank for at least 24 hours. It should be noted that depending on the degree of mud accumulation it may take several treatments before any significant reduction is achieved.

For severe mud build up results will be obtained in a shorter period if aided by direct agitation/mechanical action prior to ballasting. This will allow product to penetrate more easily following the next ballasting operation.

Health and Safety
Please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet and Product Label for specific information.

Limitation of Liability
Eazychem’s standard terms and conditions of sale, available on request, apply and contain limitations on any liability that may be incurred by Eazychem arising in any way from the sale and use of products supplied by Eazychem.

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