Cleaning & Maintenance
eazy SAFE Acid
Haz descaling acid powder (requires heat)
eazy SAFE Acid is a fast acting and effective powder based descaling acid.
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Product can be used for general descaling of heat exchangers, boilers, evaporators, coolers and condensers.
The degree and type of the deposits will determine the time required for the descaling programme In general the scale will be removed in 6 to 18 hours.
A solution of 5-10% of product should (if possible) be heated at 50 to 60°C and circulated through the heat exchanger.
In this case the process should be repeated as many times as is required for heavily scaled surfaces up to a maximum time of 24 hours. If no heating is possible product may need substantially longer to clean satisfactorily.
The acid solution strength can be further enhanced by adding 1 part sodium chloride (salt) to 20 parts of product or alternatively dissolve the product in fresh sea water. Any enhanced cleaning solution must NOT be used for cleaning diesel engine cooling water systems.
After cleaning, the system must be completely emptied and then refilled with fresh water to purge it of gas before opening the steam drum door. It is then recommended that a 1 to 2% solution of eazy Neutralise be circulated for 2 to 4 hours to ensure that metal surfaces and any remaining acids are neutralised.
Prior to carrying out any cleaning programme, sacrificial anodes (if present) should be removed and the system sufficiently vented to atmosphere at all times. All ventilation arrangements must be unobstructed throughout the entire cleaning process. As it is extremely likely that potentially explosive gas will be produced, it is recommended that boiler ventilation terminals are tested for the presence of hydrogen.
Product should not be used on tin, aluminium, zinc or galvanised metal surfaces.
Contact Eazychem for further information and advice.
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