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eazy Soot Remover-L

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Prevention of soot deposits

eazy Soot Remover-L is used to prevent soot deposits in exhaust gas boilers at low temperature and consequential corrosion.

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eazy Soot Remover-L is a concentrated liquid formulated to prevent soot deposits in exhaust gas boilers at low temperature and consequential corrosion both of which decrease the thermal efficiency of the system.

Correct and regular use of the product can lower running costs associated with regular cleaning and maintenance in untreated systems and eliminates the need to shutdown the boiler or plant during dosing.


eazy Soot Remover-L is easily dosed into the system using a suitable injection unit which ejects a fine powder towards the hottest part of the flame that vaporises on contact with the hot exhaust gas thus dispersing product throughout the system.

Unlike powder based products which due to larger particle size and greater weight are more difficult to inject efficiently, the liquid version is more efficient at treating the entire surface area. The modified soot particles which are dry and non-adherent are friable and can therefore be removed far more effectively by the soot blowers.


Depending on the prevailing conditions at time of treating, 1-2 litres of product is required for every 1000m2 of heating surface area. This amount should be adjusted depending on the on economiser specification and fuel consumption.

Product should be injected once or twice daily before soot blowing.

Equipment Required
Injection Unit.

For the majority of cases the injector is placed into the exhaust system immediately after the turbocharger gas outlet.

Health and Safety
Please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet and Product Label for specific information.

Limitation of Liability
Eazychem’s standard terms and conditions of sale, available on request, apply and contain limitations on any liability that may be incurred by Eazychem arising in any way from the sale and use of products supplied by Eazychem.

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