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eazy Tankwash

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Solvent based DPP tank cleaner

eazy Tankwash tank cleaner is used for cleaning up after dirty petroleum cargo and mineral oils.

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eazy Tankwash is a tank cleaner and degreaser for removing petroleum residues and mineral oils.

In accordance with MARPOL Annex II Regulation 13.5.2 and MEPC.1/Circ.590, Tank Cleaning Additives Guidance Note and Reporting Form, eazy Tankwash is approved as a cargo tank cleaning additive. This regulation applies regardless of whether a product is discharged to shore or sea. For discharge to shore, Master is required to complete the cargo record book and identify any cleaning additives.


Suitable for use by direct injection, machine cleaning, spraying or the eazy Tankwash Method.



The following methods of cleaning are for guidance purposes only. They do not replace the judgment of the crew or attending supervisor.

Prior to cleaning it is recommended to prewash the tanks with hot fresh / seawater at 50-60°C. For crude oil, drying and semi-drying oils a pre-wash using cold water.

Direct Injection Method for Cargo Tanks
Product should be injected at the recommended rate of 2-5 litres per 1000 litres of wash water into the pressure side of the automatic tank cleaning system by means of an air operated drum pump.

The cleaning process should take 3 to 6 hours after which rinse well with clean fresh / seawater.

Re-circulation Method
An adequate volume of solution to maintain recirculation of product and seawater is prepared in the cargo or slop tank and circulated by the automatic tank washing system pump and heater to the tank to be cleaned. The recommended concentration is 3-5 litres of product per 1000 litres of wash water. Best results will be achieved by heating the solution to 60C. The solution is then returned to the mixing tank through the stripping line and the tank then rinsed with clean fresh / seawater.

NB. Depending on the size and condition of the tank, one solution is adequate for cleaning up to 3 tanks using this method, and any additional tanks should be cleaned with a new solution.

Hand Spraying Method
This method, whilst economical, is dependent upon the tanks being gas free to enable ship’s staff to enter safely.

An air operated drum pump and hand spray equipment should be used. After spraying [neat] product allow at least 30 minutes soak time. The tanks should then be rinsed with clean fresh / seawater.

eazy Tankwash Method
This method, used traditionally whilst the vessel is at sea, can also be used to clean and gas free double bottom tanks.

1. The tanks should be heated by means of the steam coils to normal operating temperature and then stripped of fuel. It may be necessary to trim the vessel to ensure as much fuel as possible is removed.
2. All manifold valves should be closed and secured.

3. The first dose of product should be dosed (see dosage graph below) and the tank filled to 25% of its capacity with seawater.
4. The solution should be heated to 60°C and this condition should be maintained for 24 hours.
5. After cleaning strip the tanks and then refill to 75% capacity and add the second dosage of product, continue heating and maintain for a further 72 hours.
6. Strip the contents of the tanks and pressure rinse with clean fresh / sea water through the sounding pipes.

Gas Freeing
7. In order to gas free the tanks add seawater through the sounding vent or sounding pipes and press up the tanks.
8. Stop water supply and completely strip the tanks, trimming vessel to ensure that all the water has been removed.

Dosage Table
Dosage per 1000L of Wash Water

<180 centistokes >180 centistokes
Primary Clean 0.75 1
Secondary Clean n/a 1

As well as a full range of globally available tank cleaning chemicals, we are also able to offer services in upgrading vessels from “dirty” to “clean” cargoes. By attending a vessel during the discharge of its oil, and then remaining with it through the subsequent cleaning operation, we ensure that it is in a suitable condition to load the next cargo.

Our supervisors have been market leaders since 1981 in assisting clients to protect their financial interests during clean up. Available at short notice to travel globally, a pool of personnel based in the UK and USA include former Master Mariners with proven track records in tank cleaning.

By combining product and service our total package is not only competitive but offers excellent value in providing a worry-free solution for the operator.

For more information, or to enquire about your chemical and/or service enquiry, please contact [email protected]

Health and Safety
Please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet and Product Label for specific information.

Limitation of Liability
Eazychem’s standard terms and conditions of sale, available on request, apply and contain limitations on any liability that may be incurred by Eazychem arising in any way from the sale and use of products supplied by Eazychem.

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