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The importance of safe refrigerant recovery

Oct 22, 2015

There are many maintenance operations which require a great deal of care and attention, of course, but few can have as many potentially serious repercussions as refrigerant recovery. This is a highly complex process that needs to be carried out with the utmost diligence, so having the right equipment to hand is a must.refrigerant recovery

Know your obligations

If you knowingly vent Class I or Class II refrigerants to the atmosphere you are breaking the law, and the penalties can be extremely severe. As well as the prosecution, there is also the damage to your company’s reputation to consider, so effective – and legal – refrigerant recovery needs to be at the very top of the agenda.

Be safe, be healthy

The highest standards of health and safety need to be applied when refrigerant recovery gets under way. Protective clothing should always be worn in order to avoid any contact with the skin, and proper ventilation will be required so that operators won’t suffer harmful inhalation.

Collect refrigerants responsibly

When collecting the refrigerant, the container and the valve need to be inspected thoroughly for any sign of wear and tear. If they are not completely leak-proof, they should not be used. It’s always advisable to check for signs of corrosion or damage prior to the refrigerant recovery process.

Always use the best equipment

Eazychem supply a high quality recovery unit which has been specially developed for use on board vessels. It features an automatic low pressure cut-off switch, a vital component that will help to avoid accidental venting to the atmosphere and will eliminate the risk of failure to the compressor.

Always store the recovered refrigerant effectively

This is a vital aspect of the refrigerant recovery process, and if it’s not carried out properly major issues could arise. Eazychem’s purpose-built recovery cylinder is robust and reliable, and is perfect for all operations. Eazychem also supply an electronic/UV leak detector to ensure you recover with confidence.

Use a kit that is as practical as it is reliable

On board vessels, there is always a need for methodical organisation even in confined spaces, so your refrigerant recovery equipment needs to be easy to store and equally easy to find. With the Eazychem Refrigerant Recovery Package, your vital items will be stored in a convenient heavy duty carry case, so you will always know where it is when you need it.

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